so chris turned 19. somehow i still feel strange about the age difference. but things are actually getting much better between us......i think it's because i'm finally starting to come out of the depression that's been plaguing me for months now. and i'm comming out of it because i'm moving in w/ sam and therefore gaining more independance. i may have made some serious mistakes in life by not depending on people, but i'm much happier when i dont depend on anyone but myself because then i dont feel like a freeloader.
i'm moving in sometime this week, so i proly wont be online much because we dont have the net yet.....that's gotta change...i dont care if i have to pay $80 a month until i move to gainesville....must have the internet....i'm so addicted. i'm gonna start working on my guitar again, maybe she'll be in playable shape soon..and maybe i'll re-teach myself to play when she gets fixed
sam has a guitar too so that'll be a plus...i tend to learn more when i'm teaching someone else techniques than when i'm being taught. i need to start working on my audition material for UF for next year.......i'm so nervous..and i have a year to go........must have pieces perfect, must have pieces perfect, must audition perfect, must audition perfect......cant help it..i'm a perfectionist...espically since i have to audition on suprano clarinet instead of bass......but atleast i'm not attempting it on piano....::shudder:: havent practiced piano in......6? months.......
i miss talking to adam.....we've both been busy as fuck lately.......
the concert friday night went pretty's sad to say that i played those pieces better in highschool than i did in college, but for the maturity lvl of most of the ppl in band with me.....we did really well. i'm so excited about the movie concert....the pieces we'll play might actually be a real challange....maybe enough of one to make me practice for once......
i wanna do more stuff on SG, but chris will have a serious problem with that........espically if i do what i REALLY wanna do (a 2-girl set...he's freaked out by me being bi)......but it's fun and i could use the money
lauren, sweetie, if you read this....DONT be that stupid ever again!!! take care of yourself!!! we love you and dont want you to hurt yourself because you ignore soemthing your body is telling you. hope ur knee is feeling better dear.
i need a a real girlfriend
i'm moving in sometime this week, so i proly wont be online much because we dont have the net yet.....that's gotta change...i dont care if i have to pay $80 a month until i move to gainesville....must have the internet....i'm so addicted. i'm gonna start working on my guitar again, maybe she'll be in playable shape soon..and maybe i'll re-teach myself to play when she gets fixed

i miss talking to adam.....we've both been busy as fuck lately.......
the concert friday night went pretty's sad to say that i played those pieces better in highschool than i did in college, but for the maturity lvl of most of the ppl in band with me.....we did really well. i'm so excited about the movie concert....the pieces we'll play might actually be a real challange....maybe enough of one to make me practice for once......
i wanna do more stuff on SG, but chris will have a serious problem with that........espically if i do what i REALLY wanna do (a 2-girl set...he's freaked out by me being bi)......but it's fun and i could use the money
lauren, sweetie, if you read this....DONT be that stupid ever again!!! take care of yourself!!! we love you and dont want you to hurt yourself because you ignore soemthing your body is telling you. hope ur knee is feeling better dear.
i need a a real girlfriend
freakd out?!?!?!
Damn I would be exicited 

Isn't a problem now. When you get the net read this, but don't EVER let ANYONE but you decide the way your life should play out. That includes EVERY decision you make.