i have found raising children is great hands on sociolgy and psychology. personally i have a very teasing type of humor. i don't know where i got it from since my parents are both serious type people. it seems my 3 year old (Rand) has developed this same sense of humor, it even makes a dad proud. although my wife,who comes from a very refined blueblood lineage, did not think it was very funny when Rand asked her to pull his finger the other day.

Hope the joke makes your co-workers laugh and for your son, for only 3 he is off to a good start. Give him a high five for me.
hell yah! I'll burn a pig just for u. Take it easy Bro. Yet again my props to your son. He's going to grow up to be a good man. Cause judging from your humor your like my family and its a good one ta be in.