ive only been eating fruit, veggies bran flake cereals and protien shakes since my birthday which is at the end of april.
i went from 153 to 136lbs and my body fat went from 13% to 9% and im 5'7" tall. i havent exersized at all either besides riding my bike a mile and a half to and from work every day. i havent worked out with any weights at all because when i used to my friends would tell me i look like robert denero in cape fear. you know the prisoner that escaped and killed everbody, super crazy all ripped and full of tattoos.
other wise im feeling pretty good with being an old man 36 and the way my body is compared to my friends my age. i shouldnt obsess with the way i look, but i do.
i went from 153 to 136lbs and my body fat went from 13% to 9% and im 5'7" tall. i havent exersized at all either besides riding my bike a mile and a half to and from work every day. i havent worked out with any weights at all because when i used to my friends would tell me i look like robert denero in cape fear. you know the prisoner that escaped and killed everbody, super crazy all ripped and full of tattoos.
other wise im feeling pretty good with being an old man 36 and the way my body is compared to my friends my age. i shouldnt obsess with the way i look, but i do.
yes. b/c age ain't nothin' but a number. i've met chronologically older people who have a more youthful enthusiastic outlook, energy level, etc. than youngins. not to mention that men seem to age so much more gracefully than us girls.
awesome, congrats! and woo for vegetables!