i think my subscription is coming to an end. i keep on getting emails from sg saying that they cant renew my subscription because my credit card has changed, which is true. i dont think that im gonna renew. i never look at any of the new sets ect ect..... and i think its good for me not to sit in front of the computer... Read More
pics of the 5 hours of black shading and the geisah that we did yeasterday. we got most of the black shading done which is the worst part cause he goes over it with dark black then fades it out w/ dilutled black, over and over and over and until its raw. the process sux but its well worth it in the long run. we... Read More
so far this saturday morning has been going very well. i weighed myself and ive gained 3lbs in the past month, now im at 147 and my body fat has remained the same. so all of the good eatin and exersizing has been working.
and last year at burning man there was a guy that approached me and said he worked for skin deep tattoo... Read More
the gig at CroBar saturday night was good and bad. ive been preparing non stop for the past few weeks to play a set on vinyl and the douche bag of a sound guy said that he wouldnt set up the turntables cause "it wasnt in the contract". it only takes maybe 5 mins to set two tables up.
so im lounging around my folks house and it sets in, that im spinning the biggest club in nyc saturday night, CroBar. this could be a once in a life time shot. HOLY SHIET!!! ive got some great great new records and i havent been practicing at all lately.
so i booked a flight home to nyc tomorrow which means that i had to cancel... Read More
im very lucky, not only is my awe-some tattoo artist in chicago and my family in nearby orland park, but my job has an office downtown so i can go and visit as long as i want. my job wants me here in chicago for a while for shit that i pulled in the office in nyc. so ive been doing the commute from orland... Read More
new years eve was ok, went to a party that was thrown in 5 different lofts within one building. a couple of kisses from old flames but nothing new...went home alone. i just cant go back once it hasnt worked out.
here's a pic of my friends girl. she always wears that shirt that makes her look likes she's got more ink then me.
i thought about doing a year in review, but meh...
well one thing came out of 2006 and that was my side business www.nycsoundandlight.com getting off the ground. everything else, i would like to skip over.
my 2007 goals are:
eat more food, more often. im too skinny and i feel tired all of the time cause i dont eat.
read more books.
get out... Read More
damn...I really don't like myspace..