i really want to go to a movie.. i haven't been to a movie in forever, and i'm really bored right now.. but there's no one to go with and i'm not going alone.. frown
oh well...
eh, im the same way--got nobody to go to the movies with. i never go, anyways, but sometimes i wanna go and nobody wants to go.........errr......movies are too expensive anyways
Well...what movie is it that you want to see?

I still need to see the new Matrix, but I'm really just waiting for Dec. 17th and "The Return of the King."

Aren't they almost done shooting the new Harry Potter movie?

See ya, MARYland girl. smile
i'm so happy tomorrow is thanksgiving.. not because of the actual holiday, i''m just glad i get the day off work. wink
me too. alas, apparently no liquor stores are open on thanksgiving.

HOLY SHIT THAT IS A FAT CAT!!!!!!!!!! eeek

i want him/her. can i have him/her?
frown i've either got the flu, or bronchitis.. i dont' know which, but i have a fever and a bad cough and i feel all together shitty...i'm afraid i'm gonna get fired if i miss time from work... cause my boss and i had an argument today and she's gonna think I'm skipping out on work cause i'm mad... my boss used to be cool, but...
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I hope your boss understands that you are sick - and stops being a BITCH!

We will go to more conventions next year, so don't be too upset.

Oh man. That sucks! I would be your nurse but 1. I am far away and 2. I would look pretty silly in a nurses uniform. I am not into cross dressing sorry! But here's a get well kiss for you!

some of my poetry...

today is almost over
tomorrow I sadly dread
to face another day
I'd much rather be dead

I want to see the other side
the other side of life
the side where all the pain is gone
so stab me with the knife

the sun and moon will all go dark
I'll wake up on my own
on my own in...
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are you really manic-depressive? me too! and we're the same age! and i want to get a labret piercing too! we're soul twins. wink
I would love to go through your bag of clothes to see what kind of material I can get!

Thanks for waiting on me, either you can drop it off one day this week - or wait until the weekend, if you don't mind.

Ack, I am sorry you don't think you can get your tattoo this weekend. How bad was your car? Did you get it fixed yet? Did you ask about recalls? What about your dad, do you think he'll pay for it or maybe half of it?

I am so sorry that your car had problems.
Let me know if you need a ride... I work until Saturday, so my car schedule might not fit yours, but let me know.

My friend rattfinkpink just pierced my labret for me! i love it!!!!! she also tapered a few piercings in my ears smile i'm so excited!

Also, i just heard on the radio, that although harry potter and the prisoner of azcaban doesn't come out in theatres till next june, they are gonna start playing trailers for it in the theatre next week!!!!! I'm so excited!! i...
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You can never have too much Harry Potter and piercings!
i just got home from this thing called poe evermore... it was awesome.. it was in the mount hope mansion in PA, and they tell edgar allen Poe stories all evening, plus there is a wine tasting, and a shop where they sell the most awesome stuff... i bought a picture of a castle, it looks like it's made out of foil or something.. it's...
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Glad you had a good time, I did also!

Sorry to hear about the fight you had with Joe - I just got hom and am going to call you now.
We have to pick up Ashley too, because she called and said she was bored also!

oh my god.. i can't believe myself. I am sitting here watching 8 simple rules for dating my teenage daughter. it's the episode where john ritter dies... and i'm crying my eyes out. i never cry over tv or movies.. its just so sad to me for some reason. i don't know why. frown
Thanks for the compliment, I am blushing!
The photo is of the newest baby, the one she is fostering. I just got back from his house, and took a bunch of photos of the baby and mom.

Hopefully he will add a bunch more pictures now, but he seems to feel that the one photo is efficient enough. Um, you can't even see the baby really... only if you know where to look!
me and rattfinkpink and 2 other friends of ours drove over 3 hours to pittsburgh last night for the sg east coast halloween party. When we got there, we thought we were in the wrong place, cause we didn't see any other sg members.. we stood around and mingled for awhile, but no one we talked to was from sg. we were really starting to...
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Yeah it wasn't a good representation of how the SG events usually go.

Dinner was more the normal speed, we were all in our own seperate dining area and all got to talk and have a good time.

The club wasn't a good place for such a big group, especially since it was mostly people meeting other ppl for the first time.

I told Rat that you should meet up with me and my gf and perhaps some of the other bmore area ppl for a smaller dinner get together sometime so we can get to know you. smile
I am too lazy to fix dinner for one...
so I am eating ice cream for dinner (again).

Maybe I should stop being lazy, and eat some food?
i'm so sick of being preached to about god... i live with my mom (hopefully not for much longer)... and she is the biggest bible beater on the face of the earth... Christians are always saying that they accept and love all people..but it's so not true.. almost every christian i know is not happy until they've converted me.. which will never happen... I think...
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Ashley (and possibly her boyfriend Eric) said they will go with us tomorrow night to Pittsburgh!
Have fun...I have to work Sat and Sun. I'm old and need my sleep.
woohoo!! i may have found someone willing to be my roomy! i hope he can do it... i'm so ready to get out of my mom's house...

Also, when i get into my own place, i'm getting another kitty!!! A girl i work with has a 1 year old kitty who needs a home... her other cats aren't taking to her well, so i said...
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miao!! !
looks like i'll be having cats also.

Jesse taked me into fostering some cats and I droped my application off today.

miao!! miao!!

best of luck with the roomy.

edited for spelling

[Edited on Oct 24, 2003 1:28PM]