Friday Jan 23, 2004 Jan 23, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email i so need a new job... everytime it fucking snows i lose money... stupid school systems close for flurries... and we are supposed to have bad weather a few days next week... ugh jphi69: You are in the same position I was in two weeks ago. This is another reason I don't live on the East Coast! Of course I have thought about Vermont. It seems pretty laid back and cool over there! Hang in there! Jan 24, 2004 pixilated101: Bunch of wussies...stick snow shoes on the little fuckers feet and send them to school...they have legs they can walk. Lazy ass teachers they get 3mo of every year and they still want snow days... Jan 24, 2004
This is another reason I don't live on the East Coast! Of course I have thought about Vermont. It seems pretty laid back and cool over there!
Hang in there!
Lazy ass teachers they get 3mo of every year and they still want snow days...