i've either got the flu, or bronchitis.. i dont' know which, but i have a fever and a bad cough and i feel all together shitty...i'm afraid i'm gonna get fired if i miss time from work... cause my boss and i had an argument today and she's gonna think I'm skipping out on work cause i'm mad... my boss used to be cool, but lately she's become a bitch.. i'm thinking maybe she's prejudice because i have facial piercing now, and i dyed my hair black. it would look a lot better if i could have a doctors note, but because my crappy job doesn't give me any insurance, i can't afford to go. I used to really like my job, but it's been getting worse and worse lately... ugh... i seriously need cheared up...
well it turns out i've got pnuemonia
I called my boss and apologized for arguing with her on wednesday, mainly cause i just want to keep the peace at work, and i wanted her to hear how sick i was, cause i can barely talk. basically i sucked up so i can keep my job.
I'm so mad, i couldn't go to the tattoo convention with my friend cause of being sick. i actaully had the money saved up for the work i've been planing too.. it's been a bad week for me
We will go to more conventions next year, so don't be too upset.