well i just spent over 200 dollars on my costume for the rennassaince fair.. lol.. well actually i haven't spent it yet..i had a friend of mine make the costume, i have to pay her back in installments lol.. anyway, i'm going to the ren fair this saturday and i can't wait! I get to see a bunch of my friends that i dont' get to see much! i think i'll wear my costume on halloween too, get my moneys worth out of it lol...
I have officially given up on trying to go to bed at a decent time.. i was off work today cause i was sick, so i thought i would go to bed early and get lots of rest so i feel better tomorrow... well i fell asleep around 8:30 and i woke up at 11pm and could not get back to sleep.. i think my body thinks i just was taking a nap.. so now i'll probably be up till 2 or 3am.. and I have to be up for work at 6am..
"no wonder they execute people at dawn, who wants to live at 6am?" -hawkeye (MASH)
I have officially given up on trying to go to bed at a decent time.. i was off work today cause i was sick, so i thought i would go to bed early and get lots of rest so i feel better tomorrow... well i fell asleep around 8:30 and i woke up at 11pm and could not get back to sleep.. i think my body thinks i just was taking a nap.. so now i'll probably be up till 2 or 3am.. and I have to be up for work at 6am..

"no wonder they execute people at dawn, who wants to live at 6am?" -hawkeye (MASH)

As far as the sleep thing goes: from a long time insomniac I say suffer thru, suffer thru...you can always sleep when you are dead.