i need to find someone who is an awesome artist to draw up my tattoo for me... i can see what i want in my head, i just don't have the talent to draw it... it's gonna be a castle (similar to hogwarts from harry potter) with a dragon flying overhead, breathing fire, and in front of the castle there is a unicorn sitting with a faery on it's back.... i want all of this on my back... i'm looking for a second job just so i can have extra money to afford it!!!! lol...
I'm thinking about going up to PA to Chrome Gardens
To check out Stacy McCleaf. In addition to Chrome Gardens she has her own web-site:
She has samples of her work and RECENT awards that her artwork has won.
Also there is another shop near Baltimore:
Tom Beasley is supposed to be a supper artist (mostly Asian style art). And I have a small article on Hansi Jessup in one of my tattoo mags.
Plus Jesse should know some people... you have tons of options as far as tattoo artist.
But as far as just looking for a paper artist to draw you up something I don't know anyone.
Sorry for the long entry.