Once again.... Pics of Archon here
Right, so here's the official Archon update.....
We get there in the early evening and check into the hotel. There's a bit of confusion as the hotel had just changed manigment about a month previous. Instead of the second or third floor that H. wanted we got a first. We didn't make a fuss about it because there were many people who got lost in the works and had no reservation. I'm so glad we didn't. I loved the hotel room. Every room there comes with a microwave, small fridge and freezer, sink, coffee maker, and a window lounge area (why H. wanted a second or third floor). This is deffinatly the hotel I'm booking EVERY year I go to Archon.
We get settled in a bit and head over to sign in and get our stuff. We head over to the main area and get in a pretty decient sized line. About 30 seconds later someone from the con comes out and announces that there is a seperate line for pre-regs. Well, what do you know, arn't you glad I did that now H.?
So we pick up our badges and stuff. Start heading over to register for a couple of games and such and we run into shadowslady. She's even more beautiful than her pics up here suggest and increadibly sexy.
This set the tone for the ENTIRE weekend. We ran into an increadable amount of people that we haven't seen in YEARS. It's really kinda funny. About half of her old friends are also old friends of mine, mabey even more than that. Not even from just St. Louis either, some I knew in Columbia Mo, or Kansas City. Even if it wern't for the goth scene here we still would have run into each other had I not left town.
So it was off to the pirate party. Met an old roomate/friend of H.'s that would deffinatly NOT sell anyone a bottle of home made mead or wine, that would be illegal.
I have a feeling I'm gonna be talking to him often.
Drank lots, had lots of fun.
Friday: Got up sometime or another. Lounged around in bed for a while, had amazing sex. Sometime in the early afternoon got out of bed and headed over to the con.
Played in a Settlers of Catan game, didn't do too bad seeing as how it was the third time I've played. Roamed around a lot, drank a lot. Had lots of fun.
Saturday: Well, this day wasn't so much fun. H. had promised the day before to stand in and help a friend of her's out with her presentation at the Masquarade. Ususally I wouldn't mind. This was supposed to be a weekend just for us. Lounge around in bed, be headonists. She's been promising this for months. So we got up a bit early she left to go to a practice run. Got back, we went to hang out with my sister, her husband, and my niece for a bit, then she had to go back for another practice run. Then she's got to be back a couple of hours later for the real thing. So we didn't get to spend much time with each other durring the day. When we were getting ready for the big party at night I told her my mood was borderline and I'd like for her to make sure and have lots of attention for me. Usually if we are out in a party setting we both just kinda do our own thing. We're both big flirts and not exactly mono.
After an hour or two I told her that I just wasn't feeling it and was heading back to the hotel room. I also asked her not to stay out too late and to save some energy for me. Well, she didn't show back up until 5am or so. I was pretty pissed by that time. She thought I'd be asleep, which I would have were it not for the fact that I can sleep pretty hard when I'm that tired and wanted her to be able to get back in the room. That and she lost track of time talking with an old friend who she hasn't seen in several years. We got into bed and had a talk. I don't believe in arguing loudly over stuff, doesn't solve anything, just makes things worse.
Sunday: After far too little sleep we get up, pack up and check out of the hotel. Get back to her place and we go to bed. Well, she goes right back to sleep, which was not what I had in mind. Once I'm up and moving it's hard for me to get back to sleep. So I get up and read for a while, take a shower and then try to wake her up. She just kinda rolls over and looks like she's going back to sleep. So I get back up, really frustrated by this time and go back to my book. Just as I'm finishing I see her up and about, dressed and ready to go. I ask her where she's going and she thinks I want to go home. No, what I want is you. Well, this sets her off crying and we have another long talk. Get some things streightened out. Like why our sex life hasn't been quite as frequent and some other stuff. We cuddle for a bit and I'm finally ready for some sleep. She sleeps for another 4 or 5 hours and I'm out for much longer. When I do come back to the world of the living we had THE most amazing sex.
I really do love this woman dearly. Sometimes she can be a bit frustrating. My disapointment with the day after her b-day (yea, I know I havn't gone into that, nor will I here) coupled with my dissapointment Sat. at the con led to a really hurtful time for both of us on Sunday. I hope that this hasn't hurt our relationship in a permanite manor. I don't think it has. Even with as bad as things have been going the past week between us I still would love to grow old with her.
Right, so here's the official Archon update.....
We get there in the early evening and check into the hotel. There's a bit of confusion as the hotel had just changed manigment about a month previous. Instead of the second or third floor that H. wanted we got a first. We didn't make a fuss about it because there were many people who got lost in the works and had no reservation. I'm so glad we didn't. I loved the hotel room. Every room there comes with a microwave, small fridge and freezer, sink, coffee maker, and a window lounge area (why H. wanted a second or third floor). This is deffinatly the hotel I'm booking EVERY year I go to Archon.


So it was off to the pirate party. Met an old roomate/friend of H.'s that would deffinatly NOT sell anyone a bottle of home made mead or wine, that would be illegal.

Friday: Got up sometime or another. Lounged around in bed for a while, had amazing sex. Sometime in the early afternoon got out of bed and headed over to the con.

Played in a Settlers of Catan game, didn't do too bad seeing as how it was the third time I've played. Roamed around a lot, drank a lot. Had lots of fun.
Saturday: Well, this day wasn't so much fun. H. had promised the day before to stand in and help a friend of her's out with her presentation at the Masquarade. Ususally I wouldn't mind. This was supposed to be a weekend just for us. Lounge around in bed, be headonists. She's been promising this for months. So we got up a bit early she left to go to a practice run. Got back, we went to hang out with my sister, her husband, and my niece for a bit, then she had to go back for another practice run. Then she's got to be back a couple of hours later for the real thing. So we didn't get to spend much time with each other durring the day. When we were getting ready for the big party at night I told her my mood was borderline and I'd like for her to make sure and have lots of attention for me. Usually if we are out in a party setting we both just kinda do our own thing. We're both big flirts and not exactly mono.

Sunday: After far too little sleep we get up, pack up and check out of the hotel. Get back to her place and we go to bed. Well, she goes right back to sleep, which was not what I had in mind. Once I'm up and moving it's hard for me to get back to sleep. So I get up and read for a while, take a shower and then try to wake her up. She just kinda rolls over and looks like she's going back to sleep. So I get back up, really frustrated by this time and go back to my book. Just as I'm finishing I see her up and about, dressed and ready to go. I ask her where she's going and she thinks I want to go home. No, what I want is you. Well, this sets her off crying and we have another long talk. Get some things streightened out. Like why our sex life hasn't been quite as frequent and some other stuff. We cuddle for a bit and I'm finally ready for some sleep. She sleeps for another 4 or 5 hours and I'm out for much longer. When I do come back to the world of the living we had THE most amazing sex.
I really do love this woman dearly. Sometimes she can be a bit frustrating. My disapointment with the day after her b-day (yea, I know I havn't gone into that, nor will I here) coupled with my dissapointment Sat. at the con led to a really hurtful time for both of us on Sunday. I hope that this hasn't hurt our relationship in a permanite manor. I don't think it has. Even with as bad as things have been going the past week between us I still would love to grow old with her.

OK, now happy birthday.