Once again I've been bad and havn't updated in a while. Life has been kinda stupid buisy latley. That and I've been depressed and stressed. It's mostly all good now. I hadn't been getting enough hours at work and that really stressed me out. I was supposed to go out to Columbia, Mo this weekend for a good friends renewal of vows. I introduced them several years ago, so I should be there, right? Well, can't afford the time off, not with Archon comming up and H.'s b-day. That was the cause of some of my stress. This has been fixed. The guy who worked days quit and I got his hours. YEA!! There are lots of plus sides to this, nights free, 40 or close to it a week, I'm by myself most of the time, etc. The only down side is that I have to be up at 7 to be at work at 8am. An evil hour of the day, but I've been up for work at worse times in the past. It's all a matter of getting used to it.
The other cause of stress has actually been H. She had some projects due for work on the first. Well, lets just say she's down to the last one. She was stressed which makes me stressed. Why? Because I care about her and try and do things to make her less stressed. Of course the didn't work, well, they did, but just a little. Which stressed me out even more.
Anyway.... Yes, I'm feeling better.
This Sat. I get to go visit my grandmother. This is gonna be interesting. Me, the guy who has this great fear of hospitals because of illness and death and all that, gets to go visit my grandmother in a nursing home filled with really old people. Yea, can you say "bla"? I knew you could. It shouldn't be too bad, though. It's one of those self-reliant ones. She's got her own apartment and all that, there just happen to be a lot of nurses around the community. To recover Sat. night I'm going out with H. It's her larp night. Yes, I'm going to a larp. It's been YEARS since I've been to one, and I've sworn I'd never go again. But, I'll give this one a chance. They got way too cheesy for me. Less about role-playing, more about "look at what I can do." I'm comming up with a great idea for a character. An arms-dealer nos. He sells guns, not just for cash, but also for favors or information. Sounds interesting, huh?
Next Monday, the 27th is H.'s b-day. Everyone should come out and wish her a happy b-day and help her get drunk.
Yea, I spent way too much money on her. She's worth it, though. I got her Lunch money and all the expansions (sure, I love the game too). She loves card games and has played before. I also got her a nightgown that she can wear when she's staying the night at my place. It's something I've been promising for a while. It's about time for the UPS man to be here. Most, if not all, will be here today. I wonder where he's at....
And now, just two weeks away, it's Archon!! Woohoo!! I'm so excited! 4 days with no work for either of us! We've got our own hotel room, so we may not actually be seen at there, but we will be there.
The other cause of stress has actually been H. She had some projects due for work on the first. Well, lets just say she's down to the last one. She was stressed which makes me stressed. Why? Because I care about her and try and do things to make her less stressed. Of course the didn't work, well, they did, but just a little. Which stressed me out even more.
Anyway.... Yes, I'm feeling better.

This Sat. I get to go visit my grandmother. This is gonna be interesting. Me, the guy who has this great fear of hospitals because of illness and death and all that, gets to go visit my grandmother in a nursing home filled with really old people. Yea, can you say "bla"? I knew you could. It shouldn't be too bad, though. It's one of those self-reliant ones. She's got her own apartment and all that, there just happen to be a lot of nurses around the community. To recover Sat. night I'm going out with H. It's her larp night. Yes, I'm going to a larp. It's been YEARS since I've been to one, and I've sworn I'd never go again. But, I'll give this one a chance. They got way too cheesy for me. Less about role-playing, more about "look at what I can do." I'm comming up with a great idea for a character. An arms-dealer nos. He sells guns, not just for cash, but also for favors or information. Sounds interesting, huh?

Next Monday, the 27th is H.'s b-day. Everyone should come out and wish her a happy b-day and help her get drunk.

And now, just two weeks away, it's Archon!! Woohoo!! I'm so excited! 4 days with no work for either of us! We've got our own hotel room, so we may not actually be seen at there, but we will be there.

glad you are cool and on track. Sounds like things with H are good.
lots of good vibes to ya!
I liked your comment about scotland. Wouldn`t it be cool to track some of your ancestors down?