Music: RantRadio
Right, so I've been a bad little goth and haven't updated in a couple of weeks. I guess I'll just have to be punished.
I've been spending lots of time working, reading, and of course, spending as much time with H. as possible. Most recently I went over there Sat evening and just got back early yesterday morning. No, my work schedual didn't origanally allow that. Here's how that worked out. The guy who works during the day wanted Friday off so he could go out of town for his bachler party. So I took his day shift and he worked for me Monday night. I already had Sunday off. I was supposed to close Sat and have a short day Friday, well, I got that switched too, so I could go over to H.'s at a decient hour. So Friday I worked basicly open to close. That was a hell day, I'll never do that again.
I'm gonna sorta have too, though. I'm getting a second job. I have to, no other choice.
Anyway, I call work Monday to get my scedual and I'm not in until yesterday. Woohoo!! The time I spent with H. was wonderful, mostly. Sunday she actually had off work (she works 7 days a week) and it was the first time we had a day off togather. She'd been planning a game day for that day for a while. It was kinda disapointing. Not a lot of people showed up. Mostly it was fun, although half the day the only person who showed up was the first friend of her's that I do not like. He's an ass. H. thinks he's jealous of me. At one point he almost got a black eye.
Luckily this is when other people showed up. I could safely ignore him, for the most part. All in all it was a good day.
Other than Sunday, most of H.'s time was already taken by projects that are due for her work. She was plesently surprised that I didn't ask her to spend more time paying attention to me. I knew most of her time would be given to those projects and because they are due now she HAS to get them done. Right, so I'm supposed to add more stress to her life by taking time from her. It's not like she didn't spend time with me, sure she was working too (sewing stuff), but hey....
So far I'm doing evertything right in this relationship. She is someone who I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life with.
Pretty much everything is wonderful in my life. This makes me nervous. It's times like this that Chaos happens. I wonder where and how my life is gonna go to shit. It always happens.
Right, so I've been a bad little goth and haven't updated in a couple of weeks. I guess I'll just have to be punished.

Anyway, I call work Monday to get my scedual and I'm not in until yesterday. Woohoo!! The time I spent with H. was wonderful, mostly. Sunday she actually had off work (she works 7 days a week) and it was the first time we had a day off togather. She'd been planning a game day for that day for a while. It was kinda disapointing. Not a lot of people showed up. Mostly it was fun, although half the day the only person who showed up was the first friend of her's that I do not like. He's an ass. H. thinks he's jealous of me. At one point he almost got a black eye.

Other than Sunday, most of H.'s time was already taken by projects that are due for her work. She was plesently surprised that I didn't ask her to spend more time paying attention to me. I knew most of her time would be given to those projects and because they are due now she HAS to get them done. Right, so I'm supposed to add more stress to her life by taking time from her. It's not like she didn't spend time with me, sure she was working too (sewing stuff), but hey....

Pretty much everything is wonderful in my life. This makes me nervous. It's times like this that Chaos happens. I wonder where and how my life is gonna go to shit. It always happens.
yeah, my family is not doing so hot right now. but we're all stickin together, so hopefully we'll all come out no more insane than we went in.
so stuff with H is gooood .. YAAAY!!!
wanna read somethin funny? check out my last journal entry. hi-larious
i get the digits, huh? i'm in the big time now!