Music: Mediaevel Baebes
Holy shite, great mother of arse, what a great couple of days.
Now that I'm rested and somewhat recovered....
My two days with H. were wonderful. The game was interesting, but a little boring. They use third edition rules, which I am pretty clueless on. It was still kinda fun. Thursday was really interesting. Kinda strange hanging out at her house while she was at work. I actually mowed her lawn. Yea, I've been bit HARD.
WARNING: Do NOT try to make chicken alfredo, ok, ANYTHING alfredo with powdered milk. It just doesn't work. Learned that one. H. liked it though. So while we are eating and watching Pirates of the C. a couple of old friends of mine who are now living in Atlanta called. They'll be in town (A.'s parents live here), do I want to get togather and hang out? Can you say HELL YA?! Guess what guys....
So I'm attempting to gather lots of people for this. This is going to be very interesting, yes, very interesting indeed. J.L. and I used to, ummmm, be fuck buddies. This was back before she was J.L. and was J.W. J.L. was also Becki's best friend, Becki intoduced us. As in, "you two should find someplace quiet and get to know each other."
I've known A. for much longer. I miss him. We've been a part of *many* interesting times. He's also a FUCKING GENIOUS! Many are the reasons to love these two.
Right, so J., K., H., and I went to see King Arthur last night. Kick Arse movie, I don't necessarily agree with what they were saying about him, nor the events in the movie, but it was a good movie none-the-less. H. and I both want to take Guinevere home for some happy fun times.
Holy shite, great mother of arse, what a great couple of days.

My two days with H. were wonderful. The game was interesting, but a little boring. They use third edition rules, which I am pretty clueless on. It was still kinda fun. Thursday was really interesting. Kinda strange hanging out at her house while she was at work. I actually mowed her lawn. Yea, I've been bit HARD.

Right, so J., K., H., and I went to see King Arthur last night. Kick Arse movie, I don't necessarily agree with what they were saying about him, nor the events in the movie, but it was a good movie none-the-less. H. and I both want to take Guinevere home for some happy fun times.

I'm working on learning hieroglyphics for well as french
I just have to hone the martial arts skills now and I can be the next Lara Croft....extreme archaeology here I come!
Oh and thanks for the comment on the set
Sin xx