One of the mailing lists I'm had this sent to it. Go, go play with the ball onna string. So highly amusing.
It's already starting.... One of the reasons I left St. Louis was that I couldn't go ANYWHERE without running into someone I knew. It's starting again.
Right, so my date with H..... The more time I spend with this woman, the more I fall for her. She is completly wonderful and everything I've ever wanted in a partner. There are things missing, though. Things only time togather can bring, trust, experiences, etc.... We talked about a lot of things last night, personal things. I feel like I can tell her my darkest secrets. Obviously, she feels the same way. I learned so much about her last night. It is kinda scary, though. This is all happening very fast and I just keep falling for her harder and harder. I'm afraid of it ending. I always have that fear. I'm already at the point where while I don't NEED her in my life, I'm much happier with her there. I don't honestly know what I would do without her. Scary, huh? Considering I met this woman 3 weeks ago? It's not one-sided either. She, while she hasn't come right out and say it, feels the same way. I can see it every time I look into her eyes.
J. and C. did drive out here (they live in Springfield, Ill). Saw them this morning/afternoon. I missed those guys so much. We went out to Denny's and just talked. J. also gave me cd copies of the last installment of our radio show, Nocturna Cantica. I wasn't there, I was down in New Orleans. Our genre was ren. and chant music. I've missed this music so much, so beautiful. Yes, I'm listening to it right now. I really hope **MY** song is on here, "My Thing is My Own," a wonderful bawdy piece from mid to early ren.

It's already starting.... One of the reasons I left St. Louis was that I couldn't go ANYWHERE without running into someone I knew. It's starting again.
Right, so my date with H..... The more time I spend with this woman, the more I fall for her. She is completly wonderful and everything I've ever wanted in a partner. There are things missing, though. Things only time togather can bring, trust, experiences, etc.... We talked about a lot of things last night, personal things. I feel like I can tell her my darkest secrets. Obviously, she feels the same way. I learned so much about her last night. It is kinda scary, though. This is all happening very fast and I just keep falling for her harder and harder. I'm afraid of it ending. I always have that fear. I'm already at the point where while I don't NEED her in my life, I'm much happier with her there. I don't honestly know what I would do without her. Scary, huh? Considering I met this woman 3 weeks ago? It's not one-sided either. She, while she hasn't come right out and say it, feels the same way. I can see it every time I look into her eyes.
J. and C. did drive out here (they live in Springfield, Ill). Saw them this morning/afternoon. I missed those guys so much. We went out to Denny's and just talked. J. also gave me cd copies of the last installment of our radio show, Nocturna Cantica. I wasn't there, I was down in New Orleans. Our genre was ren. and chant music. I've missed this music so much, so beautiful. Yes, I'm listening to it right now. I really hope **MY** song is on here, "My Thing is My Own," a wonderful bawdy piece from mid to early ren.
Woo! Have joined.
Hey that's cool, thanks for the tip!