So I was supposed to update this several hours ago when I got home from work. I made a few comments on conversations I'm having in groups. In the middle of doing that H. called. We talked for about 3 hours. I haven't done that in quite a while.
We are two very hedonistic people who really enjoy each other's company. I don't know if our relationship will ever be more defined than that, but I like it.
Who knows what the future will bring, whatever it is, it will be interesting. This is the type of relationship I've dreamed of my entire life. We've just met each other, yet we are completly comfy around each other. It's like we've known each other for all our lives and are just now actully getting to know one another. Neither one expects the other to be monagamus, because it just doesn't fit with who we are. I am so very happy.
Other than that my day was very amusing. Work calls me at noon and wakes me up. They want me to come in an hour early. Sure, I can do that, no problem. I get there and I start flirting with one of the girls who has a crush on me. She's my age, and really cute, but I have a rule, no play at work. This may have to be broken.
Anyway, she tells me that the mayor is there. Ok, whatever. Hey, even mayors need to eat, right? I couldn't be more completly wrong. The mayor is there because the town/city/whatever I live in has just passed a law that prohibits smoking in restaurants and is there to sign the admendment into law. Big hoopla, news crews and everything. If you watched the channel 5 news this evening or according to the camera man it will be on again on the early morning news program. Well, they have a close up shot of a "chop steak" (glorified hamburger) sizzling on the grill, mabey even someone turning said piece of cow flesh. Well, that someone was me!! The burger did in fact get eaten by me as well.
So in the middle of all this, I discover that one of our friers isn't on. Not thinking that there's a reason, I turn it on. A few minutes after the camera man leaves, while this hoopla is going on, it starts to smoke, a LOT. About ten minutes later I'm starting to get really concerned, it's not supposed to smoke like that. Turns out it's broken and someone was supposed to let me know before he left (the day guy), but never did. I'm lucky I turned it off when I did, or it might have cought fire, yes, it was that hot.
In those ten minutes, though, the most amusing thing happened. Someone mentioned to me that we should go out and have a smoke while the whole bill signing process was going on, just as a joke. Nobody I work with really understands that this is a really BAD idea to plant into my head.
The old punk in me said that this must be done, not just done, but I should get EVERY smoker who works there togather and stand right next to the mayor, all smoking while he's signing this bill. Unfortunatly, I am an old punk and I need this job right now, so I thought better not. It was such a tempting thought, though.
Oh, and yes, the frier did eventually quit smoking, but not for a couple of hours. It got so bad you couldn't breathe in there for a while.

Other than that my day was very amusing. Work calls me at noon and wakes me up. They want me to come in an hour early. Sure, I can do that, no problem. I get there and I start flirting with one of the girls who has a crush on me. She's my age, and really cute, but I have a rule, no play at work. This may have to be broken.

In those ten minutes, though, the most amusing thing happened. Someone mentioned to me that we should go out and have a smoke while the whole bill signing process was going on, just as a joke. Nobody I work with really understands that this is a really BAD idea to plant into my head.

Oh, and yes, the frier did eventually quit smoking, but not for a couple of hours. It got so bad you couldn't breathe in there for a while.