Music: Delerium, "Karma"
I wish I could draw. Saying that I suck at it would be like anyone who is not a republican saying that Bush is a good pres. I just posted, in a couple of different places an ad for an artist to do the design work for the rest (ok, most of) my back piece. It didn't start out this way, I originally had much different plans for it, but now it's completly dedicated to Becki. I also need to find a good copy of the Egyptian Book of the Dead. I need one that has the hieroglyphics, the egyptian, and translated to english. Anyone have any suggestions?
Spent most of the day making cds for a couple of girls at work. One just wanted new music, something inteligent. Ok, that's easy. She got three cds of different stuff. Nothing too extreme, no Skinny Puppy or FLA, but lots of good music. The other....
Well, the other is this young punk rock/emo girl. We've had a couple of conversations about punk. She's almost completly uninformed about where what she listens to came from. She's got all the right attitudes, but none of the knowledge. She doesn't even know who the Dead Milkmen were. I could understand some of the other bands, Buzzcocks and such, but how can someone who is into punk, expecially pop punk NOT know about the Dead Milkmen? They were one of the most popular pop-punk bands ever. Unfortunatly, all my Milkmen has been lost through various circumstanses. I need to get my collection back. So many of my cds have gone missing. So I made her a copy of Op. Ivy. I guess I've collected a punkkid to educate. I've done babybats before, can't be too much different? Right?
I got really confused this afternoon. I got a wedding invitation from someone I had no idea who it was. Well, ok, not an actual invite, one of those, "official date" notices. Taking a look at the date, day before Holloween, I figured it might be someone from the goth crowd who had somehow found my addy. So I call my friend A. She's no idea. So I call my sister, yep, it's family. It's kinda strange, someone from my family picking such a great date to get married. Hell, if I ever get married, I'd like it to be ON Holloween. I've got it all planed out, masked ball and everything.
Going out with H. Friday night. She's so wonderful.
Get to see J. Sat, probibly even C. J. also has to work Sat. night, so it all worked out in the end. I'm so glad, I've missed him so much. C. too. She's gonna love hearing about H. Yea, I'm so cute. It's kinda strange, though.... I'm not actually obsessing over her (normaly in these circumstanses, I would be). Makes me wonder....
I wish I could draw. Saying that I suck at it would be like anyone who is not a republican saying that Bush is a good pres. I just posted, in a couple of different places an ad for an artist to do the design work for the rest (ok, most of) my back piece. It didn't start out this way, I originally had much different plans for it, but now it's completly dedicated to Becki. I also need to find a good copy of the Egyptian Book of the Dead. I need one that has the hieroglyphics, the egyptian, and translated to english. Anyone have any suggestions?
Spent most of the day making cds for a couple of girls at work. One just wanted new music, something inteligent. Ok, that's easy. She got three cds of different stuff. Nothing too extreme, no Skinny Puppy or FLA, but lots of good music. The other....
Well, the other is this young punk rock/emo girl. We've had a couple of conversations about punk. She's almost completly uninformed about where what she listens to came from. She's got all the right attitudes, but none of the knowledge. She doesn't even know who the Dead Milkmen were. I could understand some of the other bands, Buzzcocks and such, but how can someone who is into punk, expecially pop punk NOT know about the Dead Milkmen? They were one of the most popular pop-punk bands ever. Unfortunatly, all my Milkmen has been lost through various circumstanses. I need to get my collection back. So many of my cds have gone missing. So I made her a copy of Op. Ivy. I guess I've collected a punkkid to educate. I've done babybats before, can't be too much different? Right?

I got really confused this afternoon. I got a wedding invitation from someone I had no idea who it was. Well, ok, not an actual invite, one of those, "official date" notices. Taking a look at the date, day before Holloween, I figured it might be someone from the goth crowd who had somehow found my addy. So I call my friend A. She's no idea. So I call my sister, yep, it's family. It's kinda strange, someone from my family picking such a great date to get married. Hell, if I ever get married, I'd like it to be ON Holloween. I've got it all planed out, masked ball and everything.
Going out with H. Friday night. She's so wonderful.

Get to see J. Sat, probibly even C. J. also has to work Sat. night, so it all worked out in the end. I'm so glad, I've missed him so much. C. too. She's gonna love hearing about H. Yea, I'm so cute. It's kinda strange, though.... I'm not actually obsessing over her (normaly in these circumstanses, I would be). Makes me wonder....
ello fellow goth from the lou...