Actually got a lot done today, laundry, cleaning house. Yea for RantRadio!! Without it, I wouldn't have gotten everything done. I even uploaded a couple of pics here. Will put more up tomorrow. If you are wondering the pic on my profile is taken from one of my walls. I found that in Spin (if I remember correctly) several years ago. If you can believe it, it's actually an ad for blue jeans. I know it's kinda hard to read, it says, "Sanity is the playground for the unimaginative." It's a quote I very much agree with. If I ever bothered to go to a shrink they'd probibly commit me with all the things that go on in my head.
The hell with that, though. I'd rather be insane and clear-headded than sane and in a peminate daze. I've seen what they do to people. They had an old friend of mine on lithium for a while. I saw how it affected her. Oh HELL NO, you're not doing that to me. Pardon my language, but FUCK THAT!!
Going to see Spidy tomorrow, I'm so excited I may just go see it tonight by myself and tomorrow with all my friends. Then next Sat one of my oldest and best friends will probibly be in town, I may drag him along to see it again! I know I'm gonna love this movie.
LOL, just got off the phone with J. (see above) got everything aranged. He had some wonderful news that I can't share yet. I promised, give it a couple of months and I might be able to.
You know.... I'm in a great mood, I think I will go see Spidy now.
I'll let you all know (like anybody reads this anyway... ) how it is.

Going to see Spidy tomorrow, I'm so excited I may just go see it tonight by myself and tomorrow with all my friends. Then next Sat one of my oldest and best friends will probibly be in town, I may drag him along to see it again! I know I'm gonna love this movie.

LOL, just got off the phone with J. (see above) got everything aranged. He had some wonderful news that I can't share yet. I promised, give it a couple of months and I might be able to.
You know.... I'm in a great mood, I think I will go see Spidy now.