So I had planned on going to this Jazz thing at Bordino's last night. It was supposed to start at 9:00. I get all duded up. Little Red dress and what not. We get ther at 9:10. It's standing room only with 10-15 people already standing. The place was packed. We ask about a table, ther are none avaible situated so one could hear the band. After 15 minutes or so of trying to keep out of the wait staff's way we decide to go. Which won't be so note worthy were it not for the fact that there are maybe 5 occasion a year where I get dressed up for something I'm looking forward to, so it really digs into me when it doesn't work out. On the upside the weather has finally cooled off enough to where I can walk mr. dog at night again. Best of whishes.
If not I can always drop a few ninja squirrels into the ventilation system to do crowd control (picture evil grin here) hehe
BTW is that the same red dress? if so...niiiccee