O.k. so I have to ask -- What's the deal with Tequila and ice cream? Is this like whiskey or burbon that Tequila just doesn't sit well with some people. Is it the combo, b/c I did find tequila lime sorbet today (I had to try; it it's nice, but not orgasmic). What's the deal with everyone's reaction to this?
More Blogs
Wednesday Sep 27, 2006
Yeah so I just got vaccinate for my "allowed to kiss strange girls th… -
Wednesday Sep 13, 2006
O.k. so let's see. I got reminded why one showers imediately after h… -
Wednesday Aug 23, 2006
Wow, I'm slowly comming to the realization of how acustomed to having… -
Tuesday Aug 01, 2006
Ahh, finnaly a day where things got done. And to think all I had to … -
Friday Jul 21, 2006
So I had planned on going to this Jazz thing at Bordino's last night.… -
Wednesday Jul 05, 2006
BAh so I'm feeling mildly depressed right now. I'd also like to take… -
Thursday Jun 29, 2006
O.l. sorry I haven't been updating. Things have been stupid. Buuyin… -
Thursday Jun 15, 2006
So I've been thinking that I come from a strange camp. We seem to ho… -
Friday Jun 09, 2006
I forget sometimes how crushing of a thing love can be. My brother r… -
Thursday Jun 08, 2006
Bah so tiered. I'm a lucky puppy though. I have people who help me …
We had three over the years before we got our current babe Elsa.