O.K. so survery answers:
5 Weird Habits:
1)I must check the checking account balance online everyday.
2)I wash my hair when I was the dog, so I don't forget to wash him.
3)I try to talk to the men in my life about "women things"
4)I ecourage my partner to date other women
5) I have trouble shutting up when I'm nervous
5 Jobs You've Had:
1)Farm Hand/ nanny
2)busboy/ waitrriss
3)Laborer @ Aquatic nursery
4)Nursery manager @ an Aquatic Retial store
5)Estate gardener
5 Vacation Sites I've Been To:
1)Costa Rica
2)Phenoix, AZ
4) colorado
5 Movies I could Watch over and over:
1)Fifth Element
2)City of Lost Children
3)The Professional
5) The last Unicorn
Places I've Lived:
4)South Carolina
TV Shows I've Loved:
2)Our Wild America
3) Firefly
4) (Wow I hope most of you don't know this show) Lannet Jennine's (damned what was the last part?) (any how it's been off the air for years and I watched it when I was in gradeschool/ junior high)
5) Invader Zim
Websites I Visit Daily:
3) Yahoo.com
4) my online bank account
5 Favorite Foods:
1)Good Spider rolls
2) chocolate bar w/ a min of 70% cocoa
3) Tom Ka Puk
4) Rabbit
4) Damned either Lamb or duck
Places I'd Rather Be:
1)Canyon lands Utah
5 Albums I couldn't live without:
I do and I can (i'm stealing from Carly here, but it's very true for me.)
5 Weird Habits:
1)I must check the checking account balance online everyday.
2)I wash my hair when I was the dog, so I don't forget to wash him.
3)I try to talk to the men in my life about "women things"
4)I ecourage my partner to date other women
5) I have trouble shutting up when I'm nervous
5 Jobs You've Had:
1)Farm Hand/ nanny
2)busboy/ waitrriss
3)Laborer @ Aquatic nursery
4)Nursery manager @ an Aquatic Retial store
5)Estate gardener
5 Vacation Sites I've Been To:
1)Costa Rica
2)Phenoix, AZ
4) colorado
5 Movies I could Watch over and over:
1)Fifth Element
2)City of Lost Children
3)The Professional
5) The last Unicorn
Places I've Lived:
4)South Carolina
TV Shows I've Loved:
2)Our Wild America
3) Firefly
4) (Wow I hope most of you don't know this show) Lannet Jennine's (damned what was the last part?) (any how it's been off the air for years and I watched it when I was in gradeschool/ junior high)
5) Invader Zim
Websites I Visit Daily:
3) Yahoo.com
4) my online bank account
5 Favorite Foods:
1)Good Spider rolls
2) chocolate bar w/ a min of 70% cocoa
3) Tom Ka Puk
4) Rabbit
4) Damned either Lamb or duck
Places I'd Rather Be:
1)Canyon lands Utah
5 Albums I couldn't live without:
I do and I can (i'm stealing from Carly here, but it's very true for me.)
I LOVE THE FIFTH ELEMENT.... though I have seen it so many times I couldnt watch it over and over again....