Sigh, so my relatives have gone away, and no I get to decide if I should wait until after my So's big birthday dinner to get pierced. Though I may just do it Saturday. God! he's so whiney about it. (Why am I attracted to whiney guys?) "I don't like to see you in pain." "They said it was the worse piercing you could get." "How much is this going to cost." "You know it's going to take 3 mo. to heal." For someone who was so supportive when I wanted to get sterilized (even though he wants to make a baby) he sure gets freaked out about a little piercing, that I could take out and let heal up, if it didn't work out. People are confusing. 

Is this about strip clubs or Fayetteville in general?
'Cuse other than some back asses wards laws, this isn't bad.
Especially compared to SC
Get to a good strip club. It's fun, especially if you're a girl.