Wow fall has started off on a multi legged foot. I hope everyones well. And I sincerely mean that so many people are catching the weather changed colds it's ridiculous, And i know i am pumping my self full of vitamin c.
So let's see whats been up since comic-con. Well i impressed my internship boss so much she's taking me on her next conference (this weekend) which was shocking kind of cause I only was scheduled for last weekend. But I am happy cause I do like our company and what we do and hoping to be kept on in January for a paid position or just more networking. What do I do? I am a blogger for her site and minion at conferences ^_^ it's fun.Lots of networking. My family think it's hilarious cause sometimes I write finance articles..and they are like you are the most frugal girl with the highest amount of debt ever. But I have good tips. Just tons of student loans. ha. Also had an interview for a government position for my city so heres hoping. Cause i def need more money so I can afford my gym membership I want to start. Cause zumba got cancelled (i was the only one signed up) So boo there.
Nov 7 th was my birthday. And it was fun. The whole weekend was amazing cause I worked and got to see the black heart burlesque show!!! amazing! I strongly suggest people go. like praise the church of sg burlesque. And even though the sunday after i had a hospital health scare. I wouldn't change my weekend for the world. Next year i will take my blood pressure meds before the show lol ha. But seriously health wise my blood pressure is fine now. But my joints in my hands and feet are swelling and hurty so gonna see some specialist. Maybe lupus maybe fibromyalgia. Either way still going to the shoot fest in July and hopefully shooting again with my lovely @carebeargirl cause i heart her so.
Also working on a black cat cosplay for Katsucon in Feb. If your a nerdy birdy please come and say hi! I'll be there. And I'll be working their maid cafe so let me serve you senpai!
And thats all i can think of slash type at the moment. Follow me on the social media all of them are thehopefulchibi. and facebook. ^_^
I will blog more <3