so my bestie was in town for a day. And I literally spent the whole day with her and it reminded me how much I actually miss physically having her here. Like yeah it sucks she's so far. Partially because that was my bright spot to focus on to keep me sane so now I do need a new bright spot . To make it the next few months. Hoping it's seeing a few hopefuls and having a good weekend with them. And mayyyybe some other stuff.
But my bestie she's going back home today. But I sincerely wish I could kidnap her and keep her here. Cause one it one when you know your best friend is making a face to the crap you just said but when you can see the face it's better. And she's so serious when she makes faces I love it. Sigh maybe in a few months I'll go tear up her state....
Sooo here's a few pics of us and her snazzy bad ass tattoo. If you're in dc from June- October check out Pinz and needlez.
That artist is very nice.