I am very dissapointed in the pugster. The other day he brought a dried out slice of bread on the bed. It is so full of crumbs last night. Devious little fucker.
So, plan for today: Do dishes like a mawfucko, Have a shower, Go to Telus and fix the cell phone, take a walk with the dog down to the Village, come back and make myself some food, Drop off more resums, Call the parental units. This could take up most of the day.
Off to begin on a beautiful Wednesday morning.
So, plan for today: Do dishes like a mawfucko, Have a shower, Go to Telus and fix the cell phone, take a walk with the dog down to the Village, come back and make myself some food, Drop off more resums, Call the parental units. This could take up most of the day.
Off to begin on a beautiful Wednesday morning.

I loved walking around the village and what is that other district with all the patio bars ...that was fun too.
italian district?