I'm hated. w00t!
In other news...Last night:
After I smashed up the boy's front end, I went over to a friends' place. I haven't really hung out with her, ever, maybe when we used to go swimming in a group of friends a couple years back, or sitting around the cafeteria during spares...but that was so long ago. I think I smoked up with her like, once, this summer. Well anyways, she comes online, piss drunk, wanting me to come outr and play. I couldn't pass up that offer, I rarely hang out with girl friends anymore. Seems all my friends are male. There are always guys here at my apartment, everyday, there are at least 2 guys other then the 2 that live here that drop by daily.
Well back to the night, I go over there and she's there cute as a button, her boyfriend and this other guy that my boyfirend HATES. I think that's why he never came over. Anyways, it was a pretty cool night while she was awake. Poor girl conked out around 1:30am. But that's okay, we all played with balloon's, had drinks, talked some shit, laughed, discussed the 'pros' of a male slapping a girl, it was some good shit. My roommate and our other buddy there showed up for a bit too which was a bonus because then I didn't have to pay for a cab home. Her name is Ashley - I might get her a gift account because Her and her boyfriend told me how much they appreciated the "amazing artistic value" in the the site
I get home and Thomas is hammered. Totally wasted,
the type of drunk that you're embarassed by their foolishness from three rooms away. I'm sure you all know the feeling. Yea anyways, T-dog is in his own world, and Ryan is over drinking away, so I chat with him for a bit, take a shot, the usual bit. He was trying to get his girlfriend over but I truely believe she hates being here when I'm home. No idea why but she is the most depressed thing whenever I'm awake and she's here. It's really too bad.
So he's calling her all night trying to get her to come over, her and this other guy she was hanging out with, the both of them to come over. She said she was on her way like 8 times, but never showed up. I think Ryan was pretty pissed off, but it was hard to tell because he was drunk and not saying much after awhile.
Ryan ended up leaving around 4am, Thomas passed out somewhere and Garry and I just fell asleep watching Pirates of the Carribean on the couch. As if I wasn't pissed off at Thomas for being such an idiot the night before, he wakes me up by whipping me in the head with the dog leash. Like what in the fuck?
I realised that night what I'm missing in my relationship with Thomas. I think he loves the concept of me. This is really rotting away at my head. I realised how much better I could do, and the same for him. It's really bothering me. I shouldn't disciss any details but rum makes some people ugly. I still love tha' Captain every once and a while though, I'm no drunkie; I like kool-aidI just have o say Ashleu if you're reading this, you're so lucky to have a loving and affectionate penis
I'm going to get back to watching Desperado now, great movie
.Everyone at NIN in The Peg tonight - have fun bitches!
Yea. I'm going to quit drugs and smoking. Cold turkey. Now.
Hey, you wouldn't happen to have a cigarette on you, would you? Kidding. Thank you Justin, for making me see things clearly.

In other news...Last night:
After I smashed up the boy's front end, I went over to a friends' place. I haven't really hung out with her, ever, maybe when we used to go swimming in a group of friends a couple years back, or sitting around the cafeteria during spares...but that was so long ago. I think I smoked up with her like, once, this summer. Well anyways, she comes online, piss drunk, wanting me to come outr and play. I couldn't pass up that offer, I rarely hang out with girl friends anymore. Seems all my friends are male. There are always guys here at my apartment, everyday, there are at least 2 guys other then the 2 that live here that drop by daily.
Well back to the night, I go over there and she's there cute as a button, her boyfriend and this other guy that my boyfirend HATES. I think that's why he never came over. Anyways, it was a pretty cool night while she was awake. Poor girl conked out around 1:30am. But that's okay, we all played with balloon's, had drinks, talked some shit, laughed, discussed the 'pros' of a male slapping a girl, it was some good shit. My roommate and our other buddy there showed up for a bit too which was a bonus because then I didn't have to pay for a cab home. Her name is Ashley - I might get her a gift account because Her and her boyfriend told me how much they appreciated the "amazing artistic value" in the the site
I get home and Thomas is hammered. Totally wasted,

So he's calling her all night trying to get her to come over, her and this other guy she was hanging out with, the both of them to come over. She said she was on her way like 8 times, but never showed up. I think Ryan was pretty pissed off, but it was hard to tell because he was drunk and not saying much after awhile.

Ryan ended up leaving around 4am, Thomas passed out somewhere and Garry and I just fell asleep watching Pirates of the Carribean on the couch. As if I wasn't pissed off at Thomas for being such an idiot the night before, he wakes me up by whipping me in the head with the dog leash. Like what in the fuck?
I realised that night what I'm missing in my relationship with Thomas. I think he loves the concept of me. This is really rotting away at my head. I realised how much better I could do, and the same for him. It's really bothering me. I shouldn't disciss any details but rum makes some people ugly. I still love tha' Captain every once and a while though, I'm no drunkie; I like kool-aidI just have o say Ashleu if you're reading this, you're so lucky to have a loving and affectionate penis

I'm going to get back to watching Desperado now, great movie

Yea. I'm going to quit drugs and smoking. Cold turkey. Now.
Hey, you wouldn't happen to have a cigarette on you, would you? Kidding. Thank you Justin, for making me see things clearly.
quitting drugs is really a fantastic idea, in my opinion. especially when i read that you'd had something with meth in it. that shit is seriously horrible for you.
thanks for your comment about my set!