What a day
i am so tired
why is it that people you most don't want to see but feel obliged to because they are family turn up at the most silly and annoying moments trying to guilt trip you into saying that everything was your fault to begin with and that you really have no right to be annoyed with them? And why is it they think they can bribe you with silly stripy singlots that you might have worn when you were 12 but you have really grown up now ad its their fault that they dont know who the hell you are?
They didn't even ask about my husband to be- still havent acknowledged he even exists. Hmph.
Anyhoo they leave the country in a couple of days so they wont be "popping in" antime in the near future
can go back to appy blissful ignorance for awhile
and celebreate my birthday season! Yay!
Birthday seasons run from exactly one month prior to our birthday till one month after it. Everyone has to be nice to you and buy you things during this time and you dont have to do the dishes.

They didn't even ask about my husband to be- still havent acknowledged he even exists. Hmph.
Anyhoo they leave the country in a couple of days so they wont be "popping in" antime in the near future

Birthday seasons run from exactly one month prior to our birthday till one month after it. Everyone has to be nice to you and buy you things during this time and you dont have to do the dishes.

sorry! he's only young, don't blame him for the evil doing of his fellow brothers, we should'nt cast judgement on one poor soul for the short comings of a breed, he's one of the good guys

If in doubt, KILL!