I must go make the bed, be right back people
Num Num Num. Had a big lunch today so am now having a tasty 10 to 2am snack of feta and stuffed olives on rice crackers while watching crazy late night '80s movies
Earlier it was "Revenge of the Nerds II" and I absolutely loved the '80s rapping they did. Why oh WHY did mens leopardskin undies go out of fashion!
Now "Judge and Jury" is on... not my thing, but had some cool goths at the beginning... with black lipstick and all. They had just got married and she had this funky black veil and they were hooning through town on a Harley with ape hangers and leather tassles. Those leather tassles crack me up! They're the "manly" version of the sparkly pink streamers that little girls have on their bicycle handlebars.
I just noticed my new picture has been mushed downwards... or stretched sideways... not sure which but looks crazy. Well to me anyway. It also looks like I've cut and pasted my head onto somebody else. Well, sorry guys, I think it may have been the flash reflecting off me funny? Not sure... haven't had much experience with flash cameras, and had minimal experience with cameras fullstop.
I tried to buy more hairdye today but bf wouldnt let me. He's seen me with so many diff colours over the years and now ive finally gone natural he doesn't want me to go back. I guess I'll go along with it for now... something i was born with is NICE
And besides now I am growing it long (and its at my waist now) i don't want any more split ends or that sort so dying it probably isn't the best idea.
Crazy movie is getting crazier... must give TV full attention!

Num Num Num. Had a big lunch today so am now having a tasty 10 to 2am snack of feta and stuffed olives on rice crackers while watching crazy late night '80s movies

Earlier it was "Revenge of the Nerds II" and I absolutely loved the '80s rapping they did. Why oh WHY did mens leopardskin undies go out of fashion!
Now "Judge and Jury" is on... not my thing, but had some cool goths at the beginning... with black lipstick and all. They had just got married and she had this funky black veil and they were hooning through town on a Harley with ape hangers and leather tassles. Those leather tassles crack me up! They're the "manly" version of the sparkly pink streamers that little girls have on their bicycle handlebars.
I just noticed my new picture has been mushed downwards... or stretched sideways... not sure which but looks crazy. Well to me anyway. It also looks like I've cut and pasted my head onto somebody else. Well, sorry guys, I think it may have been the flash reflecting off me funny? Not sure... haven't had much experience with flash cameras, and had minimal experience with cameras fullstop.
I tried to buy more hairdye today but bf wouldnt let me. He's seen me with so many diff colours over the years and now ive finally gone natural he doesn't want me to go back. I guess I'll go along with it for now... something i was born with is NICE

Crazy movie is getting crazier... must give TV full attention!

what's doin'?
nerds always win!
saw the waifs last weekend.
they're so crazy awesome.
you listen do them?
the deal with the picture, is the pixel size of the pic needs to be 235 x 175, so if it's smaller, it'll get stretched.
hope that helps.