I hate and love being sick.
I hate the feeling but i love fact that you dont have to go to work and you can lie around in bed all day eating junk food and watching daytime television without feeling guilty. And i can spend all my time on here instead of doing housework or whatever i am meant to be doing.
My harddrive has arrived from NZ now... so as soon as it get hooked up to the computer i will have hundreds of pictures of myself to look at- yes its the price i pay for being vein and only having one tiny mirror in the house and having a bf who tells me i always look great which i know is a blatant lie.
I feel terrible because one of the guys who used to work here, his favourite cow is going to be McDonalds. Its terrible. He will be really upset. I told him it would happen. She has become SO friendly that you cant get her to do anything.
So the doctor told me i have a massive nasal infection and its going to take up to three weeks to clear. She also asked me about my freckle on my lip- which i have had my whole life... like that had any relevance to going in about litres of green goo oozing from my face every chance it gets? Besides it my be on my lip- but i want to keep it- its my beauty spot (or so i keep telling myself).
I really miss snow. Back in NZ i could go and see snow whenever i wanted. I miss it. I always wanted to lie naked in the snow- not sure if its a good idea- but i always wanted to try it.
I remember when i got snow down my pants. It was the 2nd time i'd gone snowboarding (as i had skied most of my life) and i was sitting down waiting for this snowboarding class to go past. It was a hot day in spring so i was wearing a t-shirt and my ski pants and this stupid boy from the snowboarding class- about 11 i think he was came crashing into the back of me, put a gash accross the small of my back and sent a whole lot of snow down the back of my pants. Though it was strangely refreshing (and almost arousing) at the beginning it then melted and i had horrible wet pants for the remaining half of the day.
Anyway off to do a little bit of sunning i think... try and turn the two white pointers into two off-white pointers... :S
I hate the feeling but i love fact that you dont have to go to work and you can lie around in bed all day eating junk food and watching daytime television without feeling guilty. And i can spend all my time on here instead of doing housework or whatever i am meant to be doing.
My harddrive has arrived from NZ now... so as soon as it get hooked up to the computer i will have hundreds of pictures of myself to look at- yes its the price i pay for being vein and only having one tiny mirror in the house and having a bf who tells me i always look great which i know is a blatant lie.
I feel terrible because one of the guys who used to work here, his favourite cow is going to be McDonalds. Its terrible. He will be really upset. I told him it would happen. She has become SO friendly that you cant get her to do anything.
So the doctor told me i have a massive nasal infection and its going to take up to three weeks to clear. She also asked me about my freckle on my lip- which i have had my whole life... like that had any relevance to going in about litres of green goo oozing from my face every chance it gets? Besides it my be on my lip- but i want to keep it- its my beauty spot (or so i keep telling myself).
I really miss snow. Back in NZ i could go and see snow whenever i wanted. I miss it. I always wanted to lie naked in the snow- not sure if its a good idea- but i always wanted to try it.
I remember when i got snow down my pants. It was the 2nd time i'd gone snowboarding (as i had skied most of my life) and i was sitting down waiting for this snowboarding class to go past. It was a hot day in spring so i was wearing a t-shirt and my ski pants and this stupid boy from the snowboarding class- about 11 i think he was came crashing into the back of me, put a gash accross the small of my back and sent a whole lot of snow down the back of my pants. Though it was strangely refreshing (and almost arousing) at the beginning it then melted and i had horrible wet pants for the remaining half of the day.
Anyway off to do a little bit of sunning i think... try and turn the two white pointers into two off-white pointers... :S
You look radient.

Oh, it is. Have no fear on that score.