Its cold today... i want the 40degrees days to come back! at least then i can go and sunbathe to try and get rid of my stupid gumboot tanlines- will take note to wear trackpants to work to preserve my skin because i dont want a wrinkly back like my mum does.
I am meant to be doing housework- but you know how it is... i was in the kitchen starting to stack dishes up and i heard msn do its beepy thing, you know, when somebody loves you, and i couldnt resist. It wasn't anybody wanting to talk to me after all- my bf had left his msn up after he'd gone to work, but i thought once im here i'll just QUICKLY check whats going on. And then there was messages i had to reply to on my journal, new photosets which demanded my attention and then the dilema of who should be on my favourite girls list. i decided i can't decide (does that make sense? i guess its like that statement "lets agree to disagree" which really makes no sense and solves nothing) and im going to do away with favourites list when i find the time to add the photos i really like to my favourite photos.
You know i have also begun to discover how many attractive suicidegirl perverts there are on here (before anyone takes offense i am a SG pervert too) and they should all be SG's so i can perve at them too. Or maybe not.
It better be good weather when i am in brisbane and the gold coast next week or i will be VERY ANGRY. You know it will somebodys fault, i am not sure whose yet, but it will be somebodies fault...
My new favourite cow was so good today- she is such a honey
and i love her. She doesn't let me cuddle her yet but she lets me scratch her chin. Considering 1 month ago you couldnt even get close enough to her to pat her bum i think i am doing a marvelous job. I think it helps that every time i see her i tell her over and over how beautiful she is- and after all flattery will get you everywhere with women. She was lame a month ago and was getting picked on by the big cows because she was limping and shes only little. Cows are bitchy animals. So anyway i rescued her and put her in the medical herd to get better and shes wonderful now. The others that i work with had given up on her- they thought she was too feral- what they didn't understand (as no men do) is that all she wanted to hear was that she was beautiful.
I have cow poo in my hair
I am meant to be doing housework- but you know how it is... i was in the kitchen starting to stack dishes up and i heard msn do its beepy thing, you know, when somebody loves you, and i couldnt resist. It wasn't anybody wanting to talk to me after all- my bf had left his msn up after he'd gone to work, but i thought once im here i'll just QUICKLY check whats going on. And then there was messages i had to reply to on my journal, new photosets which demanded my attention and then the dilema of who should be on my favourite girls list. i decided i can't decide (does that make sense? i guess its like that statement "lets agree to disagree" which really makes no sense and solves nothing) and im going to do away with favourites list when i find the time to add the photos i really like to my favourite photos.
You know i have also begun to discover how many attractive suicidegirl perverts there are on here (before anyone takes offense i am a SG pervert too) and they should all be SG's so i can perve at them too. Or maybe not.
It better be good weather when i am in brisbane and the gold coast next week or i will be VERY ANGRY. You know it will somebodys fault, i am not sure whose yet, but it will be somebodies fault...

My new favourite cow was so good today- she is such a honey

I have cow poo in my hair
and cow poo in your hair...that has to be the funniest thing i've heard all day...however....i find very weird things funny