Isn't that cool? How many other people get to have swedish ginger thins NAMED after them? And i love them. Specially good to eat with a cup of tea

(its especially funny for me because i AM ginger myself)
Has anyone else been married and felt weird about calling their partner their "husband"? Its not that i dont want to be with him, its more that "husbands" are for grown ups to have... I dont feel i am grown up enough to have one! Anyway its all happening in september and I was really excited untill we decided to invite people, specifically family. We would have already eloped if it hadn't been for that one month and one day stand-down period!
Anyway you could say I am a estranged daughter of 3 years (ran away to a different country even), and i have good reason to be, but I managed to squeeze a little bit of forgivness out of my black heart and decided to invite my family as i thought it might feel weird to not have "family" there. Boy did that explode back in my face! It seems like it is all going to be nothing but trouble. So me and my Rick (rather call him that than husband, fiance etc.) have decided we are going to pretend nice and early in the evening that we want to spend time just with ourselves and sneak off out into town on our own. Hopefully should make a fun night out as its going to be our first time off work in FOREVER.
Anyway work calls... take care of yourselves

need to update my stuff and get a comp been lost without it
she threw fruit from the fruit bowl at you? i wonder why? seems a strange thing to throw dosent it?
my mum will get over it. i think she thinks that i will be a dried up old spinster most of my life though because of the tattoos. haha