I'm too old to be drinking so much.
How come everytime my roomate's sister comes into town, I end up with a hangover at work the next day??
What I thought was going to be a chill evening hanging out on the porch turned into drunken debauchery downtown. Free drinks at McCormack's...pushing around horny frat boys that were trying to dance with us at Mars Bar...getting hooked up with free pizza by giving out wedgies & dancing to middle eastern pop music...I probably flipped the bird at whomever a few times...
The cool thing was I ran into an old friend from high school that I used to dance with. She was bartending at Mars-cool chic-gave her my phone & email....hope she calls sometime, I'd love to catch up.
I broke a nail yesterday.
I know that sounds gay...but it broke really far down. IT FUCKING HURTS. The shitty thing is I have several photoshoots next week, and now I can't paint my nails black b/c the one is basically an open wound. Fuck. And they were perfect.
Saw Oasis on Thursday at Merriweather Post. THAT was AWESOME. Holy shit. I've been a fan for years and years and years, and that was the first time I've seen them.....they were great. Right on. Liam was yelling at the sound guy...Noel called someone a cunt....it was all there. They played most of the new album & the 6 singles from the two good albums....they pretty much skipped everything from 1997 till 2005. Good move. For some reason, Kasabian didn't get to play (which is fine-not a fan), but the singer came out at the end & sang My Generation with Liam. Flippin' sweeeet. Liam gave out three tamborines (damn why couldn't have I been in the front row). And at the very end, he went down into the audience & freaked the hell out of the security dudes.
My kitten has fleas. What do I do?? My older cat has never had 'em before, so this is my first flea experience. And it sucks....I've got flea bites all over my feet & ankles. Little fuckers.
My house is a disaster right now. They're painting over all the porches on the building, so all of my plants are taking over my living room. Which normally wouldn't be bad, but my roomate has 4 tires waiting to be put on her car....and a ton of boxes she has no room to put yet. And I've got crap I don't have anywhere to put that I get to go through next week!!! Yay...so, for the time being, my house looks like shit. But at least I can open my windows now!!! Painted shut from the outside. Smart.
So....mark your calendars....shows I will be making an appearance at this month that you should go to:
3-Rolling Stones in DC
6-Rolling Stones in Charlottesville
11-Lyrics Born in Charlottesville
15-Spiral Art show-RVA****feat. photos of my rejected SG set for sale buy that shit****
18-Atmosphere in DC
23-Hank III in RVA
27th-Social Distortion in VA Beach
That's it so far. You never know what might pop up...
How come everytime my roomate's sister comes into town, I end up with a hangover at work the next day??
What I thought was going to be a chill evening hanging out on the porch turned into drunken debauchery downtown. Free drinks at McCormack's...pushing around horny frat boys that were trying to dance with us at Mars Bar...getting hooked up with free pizza by giving out wedgies & dancing to middle eastern pop music...I probably flipped the bird at whomever a few times...
The cool thing was I ran into an old friend from high school that I used to dance with. She was bartending at Mars-cool chic-gave her my phone & email....hope she calls sometime, I'd love to catch up.
I broke a nail yesterday.
I know that sounds gay...but it broke really far down. IT FUCKING HURTS. The shitty thing is I have several photoshoots next week, and now I can't paint my nails black b/c the one is basically an open wound. Fuck. And they were perfect.

Saw Oasis on Thursday at Merriweather Post. THAT was AWESOME. Holy shit. I've been a fan for years and years and years, and that was the first time I've seen them.....they were great. Right on. Liam was yelling at the sound guy...Noel called someone a cunt....it was all there. They played most of the new album & the 6 singles from the two good albums....they pretty much skipped everything from 1997 till 2005. Good move. For some reason, Kasabian didn't get to play (which is fine-not a fan), but the singer came out at the end & sang My Generation with Liam. Flippin' sweeeet. Liam gave out three tamborines (damn why couldn't have I been in the front row). And at the very end, he went down into the audience & freaked the hell out of the security dudes.
My kitten has fleas. What do I do?? My older cat has never had 'em before, so this is my first flea experience. And it sucks....I've got flea bites all over my feet & ankles. Little fuckers.
My house is a disaster right now. They're painting over all the porches on the building, so all of my plants are taking over my living room. Which normally wouldn't be bad, but my roomate has 4 tires waiting to be put on her car....and a ton of boxes she has no room to put yet. And I've got crap I don't have anywhere to put that I get to go through next week!!! Yay...so, for the time being, my house looks like shit. But at least I can open my windows now!!! Painted shut from the outside. Smart.
So....mark your calendars....shows I will be making an appearance at this month that you should go to:
3-Rolling Stones in DC
6-Rolling Stones in Charlottesville
11-Lyrics Born in Charlottesville
15-Spiral Art show-RVA****feat. photos of my rejected SG set for sale buy that shit****
18-Atmosphere in DC
23-Hank III in RVA
27th-Social Distortion in VA Beach
That's it so far. You never know what might pop up...
I wasn't feeling Felt 2 nearly as much as the first Felt, which probably had to grow on me as well. I think I just didn't have enough time to grow into it before the new Atmos CD came out.
I'm finding that with Slug and Ant, its not so much about whether I like their new stuff as much as it going down a certain directdion (from the previous albums) and the questions being whether I follow them down that way or not. Obviously, I am for a few tracks, and I'm sure I will for a few more.
So much good Hip Hop coming out these days. . .