I wish I could wake up every morning and re-live that day over and over again exactly like Groundhogs Day. It was pretty much a dream come true already. That's the second time this year I've had the greatest night of my life...and it's amazing that I got to share it with my best friend.
Got to watch the show from a birds eye view over the stage. I saw the whole audience move as one...got to experience a taste of what they see every night. I saw everything Ant did on his tables.
Got to talk shop with those that make the shop. Got to see sides of the guys nobody gets to see. Got to continue life-long friendships with friends I might only ever see once or twice a year. Got to tell them all how proud I am of their success, and that I will always be here to do everything I have in my power to help. I got a lot of good hugs. I got to give presents. I got to witness quite possibly the best show on the tour yet.
I got to do a whole lot more...but you'll have to read about it in my memoires one day.

Nights like those make me question what the fuck I do everyday, and if it's worth it. Am I supposed to be here in Richmond, working 65 hours or more a week just to make ends meet. Am I supposed to be with Rob? Am I supposed to be just waiting around for a change in my life to come, or am I supposed to go make it change. I hate not knowing where I'm headed. I know I'm headed somewhere...I have no idea what clue I'm supposed to follow to find it. I hope I haven't missed it already.
Had my oral surgery done.
Shot me full of novacaine, sliced open my gums, scraped the fucking root of my bottom front left tooth. That was fucking grossest part. I could feel it in my whole jaw. Then they sewed me back up. An hour later, it came untied.
Don't know if my gums will be as high up on the back of that tooth like they used to. It's kinda weird. I can see the bottom of my tooth & part of the top of the root.
Doesn't hurt though...feels weird....it's like there's dental floss underneath my gums, so my tounge touches them all the time. It's all I can do to keep from playing with it. I just really want to pull 'em out. Ewww.
Finally got to get stuff for my Halloween costume yesterday...was too exhausted from the night before though to start on it. But I will be skipping band practice today to work on it. It's gonna be hot. I'm sure there will be pictures later......possibly a set for SG...depending on how well it turns out. I was going to do a set w/ my costume from last year, but after looking at it again, I don't think it looks good enough...I'd have to do some major work on it. Who knows. It's not like I'm ever gonna have time to do that anyway.

Oh, sorry..my bad. I thought you said you hadn't heard from ME about the list. Oops!
Any good shows coming up?