I've been a member of this website for a long time now, and something has always bothered me. I hoped the issue would be resolved by SG staff as years went by, but to no avail. So I figured that for the very first time, I'd write a blog just to speak my mind on this matter. Even though my actual profile was made in...
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I agree with you, but there may be a difference: the ones clearly having dates of "departure" are officially "retired" profiles, either by choice of the model, whereby SG sets of the day were purchased by SG and they belong to SG, so they stay on the model's page, even after said "retirement". Other have been banned, infringement of TOS or other reasons, they also are marked with a date, whereas other models that are simply gone can be having all of their posts still on their pages, but usually you can tell by their last activity date that they are gone. Mind you sometimes they have a "Goodbye blog", and sometimes after a long hiatus they come back.  All that being said, it is true that a small tag on top of their profiles could be easily added. Have you tried to post this as suggestion in the EVERYTHING SG group too?
Here's the difference between profiles: some girls asked to be archived hence the dates (sg from 2004-2009 for example). When an SG's profile is actually archived, you can only view their photos/videos on the account. You can't see their blogs anymore. Some girls just leave and don't care to request archival. So their full profile is up. ALSO - some girls just don't care to post, and still log in from time to time to check things but you as a member can't see that they're still here! ;) As a staff member we can see certain things on my end and you'd be surprised how common that is.