Alright I guess I should get around to doing another journal entry..Hi hows it going?
Well I am doing alright I suppose I have been trying very hard not to let this bother me but I will tell everyone here whats going on..about a month ago I went into the doc office to get a annual check up done on me and while she was doing a breast exam she found a she said it could be a cyst but it still makes me nervous and scared. I have to go see another doc on friday to get an ultra sound done to see what it is. Thank goodness Dan is going to get off work to come up and come with me to the appointment...what did I tell ya this guy is great!
Uh other than that I have just been working on getting a transfer done at work so I wont have any trouble getting a job once I move. Now once I do move down we are going to have to plan like some sort of party or something!

Well I am doing alright I suppose I have been trying very hard not to let this bother me but I will tell everyone here whats going on..about a month ago I went into the doc office to get a annual check up done on me and while she was doing a breast exam she found a she said it could be a cyst but it still makes me nervous and scared. I have to go see another doc on friday to get an ultra sound done to see what it is. Thank goodness Dan is going to get off work to come up and come with me to the appointment...what did I tell ya this guy is great!

Uh other than that I have just been working on getting a transfer done at work so I wont have any trouble getting a job once I move. Now once I do move down we are going to have to plan like some sort of party or something!
You'll call me your leader,
I'll be king of the world!