Alright I think I am actually awake enough now to do an update...
So besides getting stood up
I left home after my parents made a fuss about my costume and had to take some pictures..ill put them up later. So when I get into denver I get caught in lovely traffic
then I made it over to Storey's casa and me,Maxwell_Demon ,yikes and one of chad's friends named Dan who should be joining this site pretty soon I hope. but anywho we all climbed into yikes nice car and headed over to the cafe. So we got there and of course at first I was scared to death of the crowd..but I found SamanthaKayne and stuck by her untill I could get some booze in me. After that I saw lots of Azurite he was looking awesome in his gangster costume, Elijah who was all bloody and in a kilt! Skott who kinda looked like he was apart of the village people haha just playing!Bradley27 looks even better in real life..mrowl!
Afugazi was there and I think I saw him but of course the shyness gets the better of me. Velvet_Night aka April 2 was cute though she was a tad quiet..come girl have some fun! danchick heh he knew my diesle(sp) *drools*! Saw boundforburn half way thought the night so of course I had to say hi to him and complain about the shitty bartenders at the fillmore haha. jonnytrrrash7 was dressed up as a about that?
smashedpumpkin33 looked cute in her costume though I think she said her tail ripped? I don't know it was so loud in there and I am about 30% deaf anyways..not a good mix! of course I was happy to see SushiMonster I missed ya man! Hmm lets see I also saw gage but shyness again and didnt go to say hi to her..sowwie! Oh I cannot forget my dear buddyalpha_hazard I did see you there and its always a pleasure to see you..we gotta hang out sometime sence we live in the same freaking town! Hmm if I forgot anyone come over and beat me up!
So after the party we headed back to Storey's pad and I tried to play halo but I was so messed up I ended up getting my ass kicked by Dan...So all and all it was a good nite and Dan took me out to breakfast in the morning. I can't wait till the next event!
So besides getting stood up

So after the party we headed back to Storey's pad and I tried to play halo but I was so messed up I ended up getting my ass kicked by Dan...So all and all it was a good nite and Dan took me out to breakfast in the morning. I can't wait till the next event!

I can't wait to see pics of the costume, I'm glad your parents took pics, even if it annoyed you.
Heh, I found out that I can wear a costume at work on friday, so I think I'll have to sport my kilt like Elijah.