Alright..finally I am feeling sorta mouth still hurts..but hopefully that should clear up in a couple of days..and I can't wait..I wanna be able to eat solid foods again..I mean im not complaining because im finally under 200 now because of being sick but I like food..solid food! haha Well thanks to a couple of my buddys who talked to me while I was sick and made me laugh..that really does help. So I am now on vacation for a week..I think im going to go up to my moms house and just hang out there..I know we are going to the ren fest next weekend..woohoo! I so love those..too bad I don't have any cash or I would have bough a sexy tavern wench costume hehe..or a cloak..I have always wanted to get a cloak..oh well perhaps next year!
I cant do this in your journal, I need to talk to you.
hahahah no fair teasing dammit! and thank you so much! It's a close circle of friends that we share, I am now noticing that