Thanks for the birthday wishes..those who said them of course
and havea happy 4th of July! heh I dunno what me and the boy are going to do today but I plan on just spending the day chillin with him.
Tomorrow I gotta go get a physical and get my shots for the new job, and then on sunday I gotta go to a CPR class..weee lol not really the stupid class is supposed to be 10 hours long..10!!
I really hope it doesnt last that long to be honest. So then hopefully next week I should start working! hurray!!

Tomorrow I gotta go get a physical and get my shots for the new job, and then on sunday I gotta go to a CPR class..weee lol not really the stupid class is supposed to be 10 hours long..10!!

Thanks! heheh 20 days to go! I really can't wait to get out of Camp Lejeune and over there... its gonna be a blast(not-literrally) over there. 

I sort of collect amusing images (well, amusing to me). So I decided to start sharing them.