AAAHhhhh the FFxi server is going to be down today for like 10 the hell am I going to do with my time? lol probably sit here and talk to people or play Kingdom Hearts 2!
Well yesterday sucked a lot..stayed up all night till about 6am playing game and when I went to bed the bf wanted a quick tumble in the sheets so we did but I was fucking tired and I just laid there haha but when he wanted me to move I whined and said I was to tried so he got up and left me to sleep, when I get up about noon
I come out to find that he has made plans to go out with his friend for brakefast..well thats nice but what about me ya know? So I was pissed about that and sence I was up all night the bf got mad and that and attempted to take all the powercords to my toys (ps2,xbox,gamecube,computer oh and took my ds and psp) what a BASTARD! but he did feel bad about it and gave them back. The thing is, is that he feels that he plays second fiddle to my final fantasy..which of course is not true! I love him to death! but of course I had to re explain that I dont have a job, no friends..nothing..this game is my excape from all the shit in my life and I told him I will try to play it less and hang out with him..also told him and he isnt romantic and never asks me out to do we were both at fault and now its all good again..but for how long?

Well yesterday sucked a lot..stayed up all night till about 6am playing game and when I went to bed the bf wanted a quick tumble in the sheets so we did but I was fucking tired and I just laid there haha but when he wanted me to move I whined and said I was to tried so he got up and left me to sleep, when I get up about noon

I've stayed away from those online games. I have this vision of me getting hooked on them and becoming a scary recluse who hangs out in bus stations with a wifi signal, wasting away into nothingness.
I hope it all works out ok.