Have you guys ever just had one of those days..ya know the one where you are asking yourself..why bother? Well today was one of those days..I should have just stayed in bed and not bothered with anything..sure Dan makes me happy and I am happy to be with him..he makes me smile and laugh and other things..but deep down I still feel like something wrong..somethings missing..and I wish I could find out what it is..I don't know if a job would help that feeling..or perhaps having a good girl friend..someone where I could rant and rave to about my problems..that would be nice. I dunno
Like I said before..everyone on my list has 2 days to respond if they want to still be on my list or not..I need real friends..not just people to be on my list because it makes them feel popular or some shit like that..if I have added you to my list lately then dont worry..im not going to erase you..but it would be nice to have a comment once ina while eh? Come on people..give april some love..I need it.

Like I said before..everyone on my list has 2 days to respond if they want to still be on my list or not..I need real friends..not just people to be on my list because it makes them feel popular or some shit like that..if I have added you to my list lately then dont worry..im not going to erase you..but it would be nice to have a comment once ina while eh? Come on people..give april some love..I need it.

hugs, sweetie. sorry it's goin so rough.
you're really not far from us at all, next time sophie and i have a little down time (prob not soon, since school just started back up, but whenever) we can play. promise!
I'm sorry to hear that you feel like your life is lacking something. It can be hard when you don't have many friends around.
But as you can see there are people on here that want to try and help.