Oh for the past couple of days I have had a huge knot on the base of my spine..it hurts so bad it almost brings tears to my eyes. I am hopeing today Dan can get off work early to take me to the doc to hopefully get some muscle relaxers...this really sucks!
Other than that I can't wait to get our tax return I think we are going to get a 52 inch tv and X-box 360 so I can finally play elder scrolls oblivion! yay! I also need to find the controller they have for the x-box thats shaped like a dragon!
Edited to say that I went to the doc and i have a cyst on my back! oooowwwww So I am on antibotics for this next week so lets cross our fingers and hope it goes away on its own..if not..she will have to lance it..and I really don't want that.

Other than that I can't wait to get our tax return I think we are going to get a 52 inch tv and X-box 360 so I can finally play elder scrolls oblivion! yay! I also need to find the controller they have for the x-box thats shaped like a dragon!

Edited to say that I went to the doc and i have a cyst on my back! oooowwwww So I am on antibotics for this next week so lets cross our fingers and hope it goes away on its own..if not..she will have to lance it..and I really don't want that.

I hope you feel better dearest!

Owww... I had some back issues a while back from poor shoes and running a lot. I got a couple really nice deep tissue massages. O M G i was i heaven for like 3 weeks till I got some pain in my shoulders.