Ugh its about 1am right now and I feel like shit..I am pretty fed up with how the boy has been treating me lately..he doesn't understand that I have no friends here..I have no one to hang out with here..sure he has his friends and I kinda talk to his friends but I dont hang out with them..I feel alone and what does he do? He makes fun of me for being on the internet and for playing my Final fantasy XI just pisses me off because the only friends I do talk to are online..and this is the same kinda shit my ex husband would pull with me too. I ask them to stop but do they? no its Oh april loves the computer more than me, but do they ask me to get off and sit on the couch or watch a movie or take me out do to something? No its just make fun of april because she spends time on the computer and stays up late at night doing one of the few things she enjoys in life, and dont you tell me people that dont love dan because I do damnit even when I am playing a game I will get up every 15 mins or so just to go give him a hug or a kiss and tell him I love him..and usually he is watching 24 which I do not like watching..I think its boreing personally. so what else would there be for me to do?..exactly..
More Blogs
Monday Mar 27, 2006
Good News everyone! The cyst on my back finally opened up on its own.… -
Thursday Mar 23, 2006
Oh for the past couple of days I have had a huge knot on the base of … -
Monday Mar 20, 2006
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Monday Mar 20, 2006
Ugh its about 1am right now and I feel like shit..I am pretty fed up … -
Tuesday Mar 14, 2006
Hey everyone just though I would update and let you know whats been g… -
Thursday Mar 09, 2006
YES! I finally am back on the air for good! I just got our new fancy … -
Wednesday Mar 01, 2006
Hi hi everyone whats going on! Well good news for me! I am getting a … -
Saturday Feb 11, 2006
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Sunday Jan 29, 2006
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Tuesday Dec 27, 2005
Hey Happy Hollidays to everyone! Mine went alright, I got to see my m…