So I have been on a cooking kick lately... Last night I cooked Apple Lamb curry and it was yummy not that I would expect any different night before that it was baked Ziti in a organic fugi apple chicken marinera. Tonight it was lobster with a side of clementine olive oil snap peas and carrots in a light key lime butter sauce and a pineapple mango ginger salad. If you are ever bored come over and I will problably be cooking something...
By the way everything is organic and gluten free.
Oh yeah if you want to see a kick ass trailer to a japanese action flick click on this web site I just bought it and I should have it in like 5 days...Wooo Hooo!!! If anybody has any good recipes you think I should try let me know . I'm thinking about baking some stuff this weekend and maybe make a torte or a tiramisu haven't decided yet any suggestions?

Oh yeah if you want to see a kick ass trailer to a japanese action flick click on this web site I just bought it and I should have it in like 5 days...Wooo Hooo!!! If anybody has any good recipes you think I should try let me know . I'm thinking about baking some stuff this weekend and maybe make a torte or a tiramisu haven't decided yet any suggestions?

you should go with the tiramisu, i have a what seems like a great recipe for it. haven't tried it out yet, maybe next week...