I just had a fucked up dream and wanted to commit it to writing before i forgot it.

Ok, so me and some friends were at this hotel and this girl that i used to know from high school come over for some reason. Previous to this i was just talking about how lip piercings and anything in this area were incredibly sexy. She walks...
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Feeling pretty good, went for a 45 minute walk while listening to the misfits, excellent. When i got home i stretched my ear lobe from a 14 to a 10, excellent. Even work was good, drove around all day and didnt do a goddamn thing. It feels strange to be in a good mood like i have been lately. Maybe i am getting sick. Party...
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So i just paid my car off about a month ago, and in that time both the console storage compartment and the seatbelt buckle have broekn...never fails. Two of my work friends are likely to be going to the Cradle of Filth show we me, both are over 40 so it should be interesting. The big party is on saturday so i must clean soon...just...
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Had an excellent night yesterday: partied with nick, drank too much and got 3 hours of sleep, but i felt great today. I actually got around to getting some new mp3s on my Gigabeat, which i am very disappointed in. Goddamn thing changes the file format from mp3 to some lame proprietary format that is only readable by it and the shit software that you...
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Kick Ass, Cradle of Filth is going to be playing live at the Rave in Milwaukee Sat Feb 03. I must go, it has been a very long time since i have seen them and i must do so again...That is all.
So I went out to some bars last night. I came to the realization that bars are not at all my forte, i hate the whole idea of competing with every guy at a bar on the off chance one of the few girls in there may take a liking to you. I dont have anything to say since i find i dont have much...
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Well, im bored so here i am, two in two days, its a new record. Thinking about having a party next weekend, thinking about making some mead, just for the hell of it.

I was also considering scarification, maybe Mjolnir or something like that. I would have to get over my natural squeemishness i suppose. Then again, 7 genital piercings, 5 facial piercings and a...
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What a year: bought a house, lost my oildest friend, paid off my car, got a cat, and got rid of that evil bitch (now ex) girlfriend of mine.

I had a lot of things that i was going to write but nothing would come out right...maybe next time.

Happy new years to the two people that read this smile
So last night was a crazy night. I met this girl at my friend's house (i have talked to her in passing a few times and stuff like that), we hit it off and have some good conversations, when she tells me that her boyfriend scares her, which sucks but at this point my hands were tied. Anyways, the night goes on, we really hit...
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So i have been walking a lot lately and have come to discover that there are a lot of hidden places in my little town, sounds to me like a good opportuinty for some urban exploration. I have been averaging about 45 minutes a day of walking and am quite proud of myself, that Gigabeat was a good investment; nothing like tuning out all of...
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