I have learned a valuable lesson. Taking a college-level math course in a May semester, which is only 3 weeks long, is difficult. It is even more difficult when the instructor has an extremely HEAVY "Georgian" accent...and I don't mean the state of Georgia. My first exam is this afternoon and the instructor said explicitly that if you don't pass it...get your ass out off...
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alright....back to reality. Funeral sucked,so, I'm looking forward to dealing with other stuff now. I missed 2 days worth of classes and now i gotta get caught up. Got custody of my son, finally, and now he is starting his new school today. That has me nervous as fuck. I need a vacation and soon!!!
not looking forward to next 36 hours. Visitaion at the funeral home tonight for my Granny's passing. Funeral tomorrow afternoon and I am a pallbearer. I have no issues with the dead or death in general. I have photographed autopsies at hospitals before...there is just something different when it is family.
Im very sorry for your loss! I hate funerals. Crying in public is never my fave thing to day.
Thank you. The hard part is gonna be watching my momma deal with losing her own momma. That may actual make me cry.
Well.....my incredible weekend of fun came to a crashing halt at about 1130 pm last night. My Granny couldnt fight anymore and her body gave into all the strokes she had. I feel so terrible for my momma right now.
Look at that handsome face..
It is officially the start of my weekend. HAHA....no school work to deal with this weekend, either!!!!!! These next few days will be epic! Friends and consumption of ethanol laced beverages tonight......tats and MMA tomorrow night....and BREWFEST 2010, Athens, Ga, on Sunday!!!!! I'm gonna be soooo worthless come Monday morning.
Sitting at my desk.....decisions....decisions....decisions. I have procrastinated to the point now where I have to decide whether to write this stupid-ass paper or not. Fuck, I hate ENG1101.....