So whilst having a clear out and sort out of bits i came across my old deployment pack up and tucked inside was an old USB stick which had lots of photos on it so i thought i would share a few and then explain why i chose them.
This was taken on my new camera at the time and was middle of a hectic night shift and i fell asleep whilst waiting on the Scran wagon (food wagon). the time stamp on the file was 0300
The two pictures above are from about 2 months later at my cousins wedding, She had been told by all that i was being extended and would be joining the proceedings by a sat link set up by the RAF, we even did a video chat the night before as if i was in the desert still in the uniform in the first picture. The first she knew of me being there in person was when she pulled up to the church and i stepped out and opened the car door for her.
This picture is of my aunt (Gods rest here she past a few years back) and my cousins daughter, whom suffers from a severe form of epilepsy which has left her with mental health issues and she requires a carer a lot, though she never stops being cheerful she kept stealing my hat and wearing it.
This picture is the last and i think possibly only picture i have of my dad and all his brothers together before Mark the youngest past away. They used to be called the boys of Katy elder as my Gran was a matriarch and kept them in line despite being shorter than them all.