Today I stood in uniform on a high street in a small town with a blue box with poppies in it and despite the cold and the rain I stood their.
Though as the weather was shit it wasn’t as productive as normal I still had many people of all backgrounds stop and put money in my little collection box many even stopped to talk, this they did because we of this country and many others will be remembering those who sacrificed everything to allow us our freedoms.
I did get asked is the white poppy done by the Royal British Legion, I calmly explained that the white poppy is not part of the remembrance none of the money from them actually goes as far as I have been informed to charity.
The best I heard was from a young mum to her son who asked why we wear the poppy to which she replied that it is a symbol of remembrance and each colour represented something the red she told him is the blood of those who have sacrificed for their freedoms the black is the sorrow of the nation and those left behind and the green is the hope of new life and an end to war. He then said quite profoundly that even though the hope of an end to war didn’t happen we shouldn’t give up hope. Needles to say they put money in the pot and wore their poppies with pride.