This weekend has been a very strange one for me more from the fact something I never thought would happen but really wanted too did.
As I mentioned in an earlier blog this weekend my brother and now sister in law got married after being together for 16 years (that's a life sentence with good behaviour)
Despit both having illnesses that have done there damned best to kill them and despite her cancer returning they walked the aisle and I can't be more chuffed the church was over flowing with people family from all over uk and a video link to those in oz and nz.
The vicar was funny and made lighthearted jokes which made the day more personal. Though chatting to him at the bar he was a rock fan and we ended up chatting the merits of guitar solos.
It was also nice to see both sides of my family together for the first time in nearly 20 years though the bar might not have been prepared they certainly profited from it 😃. As my uncle mentioned it was nice to see each other for something other than a funeral.
Though seeing my now 16 year old second cousin whom last time I saw her was about 5foot now towering at 6.4ft and looks the dead spit of my aunt gods rest her.
Needless to say I was very drunk so much so I think I'm only just sobering up😂