The sun is out!!! I have been ridding every day and loving the wind!There is skin everywhere on the streets.I love nevada in the spring! Ride easy everybody.
More Blogs
Friday Feb 10, 2006
Hello mates,it's good to be back.For my birthday I went to see my sis… -
Friday Feb 03, 2006
Well mates here are the pics.Jesse didn't like some of the things tha… -
Wednesday Feb 01, 2006
This place makes me very happy.I meet the best people here.I love th… -
Friday Jan 06, 2006
Well I tried to start the chopper project today but all we got done w… -
Monday Jan 02, 2006
I got off work at 8:30 AM and got home to find the mud was finally fr… -
Monday Dec 26, 2005
I just got here and I like it.I like it a lot.
i had a cool weekend very nice scenery up there,will take pics next time for you all to see
keep it safe bro
bet ya do miss the busa they are such sweet rides,but im loving this bike just as much as the old busa i had