Have any of you ever known a Jesus freak? One who judges and looks down on you? One who fucks with you constantly and cannot speak to you without a tone of"I'm so much better than you."?
Well if you think that is difficult,try having that bible thumping maniac as an ex-wife/husband! And having children with said christian asshole.It fucking sucks monkey ass!
I hope you are all having a much better weekend than I am.FUCK!!!!
Well if you think that is difficult,try having that bible thumping maniac as an ex-wife/husband! And having children with said christian asshole.It fucking sucks monkey ass!
I hope you are all having a much better weekend than I am.FUCK!!!!

sorry to here that your having a bit of a crap time righ now,hope it gets better for ya real soon.
hows the riding doing these days?weather is alot better here so should burning some rubber very soon,got a different bike now which i love!
ride hard and safe
this bike should be more comfy on the long trips,my old one was lets say a little painfull after a while lol
cool that your bro is in ink and iron,any pics?