Hello mates,it's good to be back.For my birthday I went to see my sister and her kids for my 4 day weekend.I work 4 on 4 off.
I haven't seen my sister in 5 years,maybe because she lives in Utah
I hate the bloody state.
Saturday I got to her place about 5 in the afternoon (after working all night) and the party began.Yee Haw,I brought my guitar and her brother-in-law brought his over and we played 'till about 3 in the morning and got bloody well Proper Pissed.Guinness and Jagermiester with Redbull and (yuk)Bud lite were consumed in massive quantities.About 15 people were there not including various numbers of children.A grand time was had by all.It was brilliant!
Next day,me birthday,Sis took me to the circus.I hadn't been to one in years.I rode the elephant with my niece and nephews.It was great fun to be with them.
Thank you all for the birthday wishes.You are a great bunch of pierced and tattooed freaks.You lot are the best!
I would send pics but I can't get them to download on this sight.I take them with my camera phone and only a few work.Can't figure out why.
Thanks again everyone,Laters
I haven't seen my sister in 5 years,maybe because she lives in Utah

Saturday I got to her place about 5 in the afternoon (after working all night) and the party began.Yee Haw,I brought my guitar and her brother-in-law brought his over and we played 'till about 3 in the morning and got bloody well Proper Pissed.Guinness and Jagermiester with Redbull and (yuk)Bud lite were consumed in massive quantities.About 15 people were there not including various numbers of children.A grand time was had by all.It was brilliant!
Next day,me birthday,Sis took me to the circus.I hadn't been to one in years.I rode the elephant with my niece and nephews.It was great fun to be with them.
Thank you all for the birthday wishes.You are a great bunch of pierced and tattooed freaks.You lot are the best!
I would send pics but I can't get them to download on this sight.I take them with my camera phone and only a few work.Can't figure out why.
Thanks again everyone,Laters

Jagermeister makes me sick everytime. 

happy valentines!